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Estravel Group AS

Estravel is the largest travel agency in Estonia and the Baltic countries and has been active on the tourism market since 1988. The strengths of Estravel are its good quality customer service, the high reliability of the company and its outstanding technological solutions.

Estravel offers the best travel solutions for private and business clients. Thanks to our experienced employees and large partner network, we are able to fulfill the most complex travel requests. Be it a client’s dream to spend an exotic holiday in a jungle or a tight-schedule business trip, Estravel consultants give their best to ensure that all the objectives are met without a hitch.

Estravel sells and mediates plane tickets, travel packages and accommodations, ferry and train tickets, travel insurance, and bus and car rental services. In addition to trips starting in Estonia, Estravel also provides inbound tourism and sells trips to Estonia, offering locals as well as foreign visitors the opportunity to discover the beauty of Estonia and enjoy a fantastic holiday. We at Estravel also organize conferences, seminars and events.

Estravel has a total five representations in four Estonian towns, including a 24/7 operating Call Centre. Our service offices are in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and Kärdla. Our 100% subsidiaries and branches also serve you in Riga, Vilnius, Helsinki and Jyväskylä.

Have a look also:

Financial Results of Estravel Group AS >

Estravel Group of Companies >


Estravel values

  • Reliability

    We have the Baltic region’s (a) most qualified staff, (b) safest financial background, and (c) highest quality travel services.

  • Care

    We value our customers and the environment. We select and offer sustainable and affordable solutions, promoting responsible travel.

  • Innovation

    We constantly upgrade our workflow and service technology, to provide more security and convenience to our customers.

History of Estravel

In 1988, the Harju District Executive Committee registered a privately funded tourism company, Est-Travel, with four Estonian private shareholders.

In 1990, the Tallinn City Government re-registered the company and its new name became AS Estravel. The company moved to a new address in the old town of Tallinn (Pikk Street 37).

In 1991, Estravel opened its first branch office at the Pirita Olympic Sailing Center, which mainly sold ferry tickets to Finland.

In the autumn-winter of 1992, Estravel successfully operated Estonia’s first series of charter flights (5 flights) to Tunisia. The destination airport was Monastir, and the hotel base was the resort town of Hammamet.

Read more about Estravel’s history (in Estonian) >

Estravel in numbers

  • Established

  • Clients

  • Employees

  • Estravel number of offices


Come work with us!

Estravel is the largest employer in Estonia specializing in the mediation of tourism services. Thanks to our experienced employees and extensive network of partners, we can fulfill even the most complex travel wishes. Our greatest asset is all our employees!

Job offers:

There are currently no vacancies.

If you are unable to find a suitable job offer at the moment but are interested in working or interning at Estravel, please send your CV to our HR department at We will contact you if a suitable opportunity arises.

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Estravel Group believes that sustainable tourism is a force for good. Tourism has the potential to make a beneficial impact on the economy, culture, and social relationships. When we travel, we support local economies, help to value and preserve diverse cultures, and strengthen human connections. At the same time, we understand that tourism leaves an environmental footprint.

Our mission is to appreciate the positive impact of tourism while acting responsibly and minimizing the negative environmental impact of our business activities. We operate responsibly in matters of environmental, social impact, and governance (known as the ESG perspective – Environmental, Social, Governance).

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Estravel supports

As a successful company, Estravel feels a social responsibility towards the sustainability of Estonia’s and the world’s environment. In cooperation with organizations like the Nature Fund (Loodushoiu Fond), we have planted 35,000 trees in Estonia. Additionally, we support the Duck Race (Pardiralli) by sponsoring the grand prize.

If you would like more information about our support activities, please contact us at

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Estravel Group AS Management