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Whistleblowing notification form

Submit your report to us through the form below. Detailed and accurate information will help ensure an efficient process for handling the violation report. Violation reports are handled by an impartial and confidential party at Estravel Group AS.

In the case of an anonymous report, we will not be able to identify the sender’s address or engage in dialogue. Additionally, we will not be able to respond or provide feedback.

"*" indicates required fields

When reporting a violation, please provide as accurate a description of the situation as possible:
  • The content of the incident with exact facts and any resulting or potential harm;
  • When the incident occurred (exact date or approximate time);
  • Where the incident took place (location, company, department, etc.);
  • Who was involved in the incident (name, position, company);
  • Your connection to the situation.
If you wish to express a specific desired outcome, feel free to do so.
Enter your email if you want us to contact you. Please note: providing an email is not considered an anonymous report.
If there are files or photos as evidence, please attach them here.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 16 MB, Max. files: 5.