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Estravel Group AS channel for reporting suspected misconduct (whistleblowing)

The creation of the Estravel Group AS whistleblowing channel is an important step to ensure the company’s ethical behavior and reduce the risks of misconduct.

The whistleblowing channel is intended for all our current and former employees, as well as any other individuals providing services to us (such as interns, temporary workers), as well as our clients and business partners, who can confidentially report if they notice anything suspicious or unethical in our activities or services.

When should the whistleblowing channel be used?

The channel is designed for reporting suspicions of or actual violations and should not be used for filing customer complaints or resolving personal disputes. The whistleblower must act in good faith and sincerely and reasonably believe that the information provided and the allegations made are true. It is prohibited to knowingly submit a false violation report.

Please inform us of suspicions of misconduct, such as human rights violations, or violations such as fraudulent, inappropriate, dishonest, illegal, or negligent actions or behavior (a more detailed list can be found in the law).

How to report possible misconduct?

You can submit your report in writing through the whistleblowing form.

Upon receiving, reviewing, and processing a violation report, the confidentiality of the violation facts and the whistleblower’s personal data will be ensured. The identity of the whistleblower may only be disclosed with their consent. Violation reports are handled by the Estravel Group HR manager, who may involve other qualified individuals in the process if necessary or forward the report to the appropriate person or authority for further processing.

All reports and messages received through the whistleblowing channel are processed confidentially and securely. Feedback will be provided to whistleblowers as soon as possible, but no later than three months, or in justified cases, six months after receiving the report.

In the case of an anonymous report, the sender’s address cannot be identified, no dialogue can be conducted, and receipt of the report cannot be confirmed. The whistleblower’s identity remains anonymous, and it will not be possible to respond or provide feedback.