IEesti keeles

ESTraveller September/October 2000

Summary in English

Estraveller is Estravel's quarterly customer magazine with an ordinary circulation of 11,000 copies. 9,500 copies of Estraveller are sent by direct mail to Estravel's loyal customers, the Estravel Kuldkaart (Gold card) owners, and partners, and the rest is distributed through Estravel's sales offices. The autumn issue was even printed in 15,000 copies due to the International Travel Trade Fair TOUREST'2000, held in September in Tallinn, and containes material about many facets of Estravel and the services and products offered. In 2001 six issues of Estraveller will be published.

Trade Fairs in Cologne, Germany are becoming increasingly popular among Estonian businessmen, eager to obtain international business contacts. Sirje Puust-Mumme, project leader of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and the representative of Cologne Trade Fairs in Estonia, tells our readers about Köln Messe, and shares the experience of Estonian trade exhibitors and visitors.


In addition to its usual inbound and outbound travel services, Estravel also offers conference services, arranging wide variety of events from small meetings to big international congresses. "Every small detail counts in the final outcome of a conference," says Malle Pottsepp, manager of Estravel's conference department. "And we at Estravel are good in details. This saves a lot of time and money to our customers."




Few of us have been to Lapland, but we have heard a lot about this Land of Santa Claus and reindeer. And in reality it is all there - heaps of snow several metres high, reindeer crossing the streets in villages, clean air and endless expanse. In this article Finnish Tourist Board invites you to visit ski centres in Finland which offer a wide choice of activities to both children and adults.



Finnish Railways is a stable company, the speed of its development satisfactory and renewal process underway," says Pekka Söderling, passenger traffic director of VR Ltd. New cosy airconditioned coaches have been introduced, resulting in a steady growth of both long-distance and Helsinki commuter traffic. From Finland there are three daily train connections to Russia., two to St.Petersburg and one to Moscow, and tickets are available at Estravel.


Tjäreborg, once a small private Danish charter company, belongs now to the world's biggest tour operator Airtours and has a 13 per cent market share in Finland. Its package tours to several destinations, especially to the Canary Islands, are popular in Estonia too. "We have a good quality/price ratio, wide choice of destinations and hotels, special prices for children and families and interesting sightseeing programmes," says Jukka Ahonen, marketing manager of Tjäreborg.


Estravel's marketing manager Jüri Toomel travelled to Kenya, and now shares his impressions of such out-of-stream places like Maasai Mara Nature Reserve and Lamu Island. "Most of Estonian tourists go to beach hotels near Mombasa," Toomel says. "But I strongly suggest to experience something more exotic instead, or in addition to that."



Royal Cliff Beach Resort is one of the most famous hotel complexes in Asia and very popular among Estonians. Estraveller describes in this article the Royal Cliff hotels as well as the services offered in Pattaya.

The Seaside Hotel in Helsinki is situated by the sea, 10 minutes walk from the city centre and in close vicinity of the West Harbour. The former cheese factory, today a 4-star hotel provides high standard accommodation for business and leisure travellers. Due to a special contract and large volumes, Estravel can offer highly competitive room rates at this hotel.


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