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ESTraveller November/December 2000

Summary in English

Estraveller is Estravel"s quarterly customer magazine with an ordinary circulation of 11,000 copies. 9,500 copies of Estraveller are sent by direct mail to Estravel"s loyal customers, the Estravel Kuldkaart (Gold card) owners, and partners, and the rest is distributed through Estravel"s sales offices. Estraveller containes material about many facets of Estravel and the services and products offered. In 2001 six issues of Estraveller will be published.

Donatas Narmont, President of Inreko Press, was among the visitors of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games to publish the traditional Olympic Book 2000. Mr Narmont now shares his re-collections of the exciting days in Sydney with the readers of Estraveller.
Estonia’s Erki Nool won gold at Sydney Olympics 2000 in the most dramatic decathlon contest that viewers back at home had ever seen. The total medal score of Estonia was three, one gold and two bronzes.

The place where East meets West, the Crossroads of the Orient, the Hub of Asia"s Business World, the Stepping Stone into Mainland China: these cliches trip off the tongue to describe Hong Kong. What they all convey is the cosmopolitan nature of this territory of some 6.3 million people, of whom 98% are Chinese.
This issue of Estraveller gives a unique insight of this exotic territory, written in cooperation with the Hong Kong Tourist Association.

Perfect location in Southern Finland, well-goomed slopes and quality services have made Himos one of the most popular ski resorts among Estonians, both advanced skiers and beginners. The ski season at Himos lasts till May.
"Himos is a Wonderland and once its spell is cast on you, you come here again and again," says in Raija Etelä, incoming office manager of Himos Holiday Travel

Finnish charter tour operator Finnmatkat, now member of Thomson International Holidays Group, is well known for its high quality services.
"Estonians are easy customers, they know exactly what they want," says Kalervo Kailaheimo, marketing manager of Finnmatkat, determined to double company"s 13 per cent market share in Estonia within two years.

Vice President Mauri Saarend tells about Estravel's new internet services. Estravel has introduced several websites for both public and internal use with powerful high-tech database applications behind them and a team of travel professionals updating the central databases every day.

"We offer two good things at the same time," says Indrek Holst, President of Ühispanga Elukindlustus. "The new pension insurance plan with life insurance coverage, available through Internet, offers all new online customers a valuable "Internet bonus": Estravel's gift cheques."

Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä is a new hotel in the centre of Helsinki, catering for both business and leisure travellers.

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