Hotelli kirjeldus on automaatselt tõlgitud. Vaata originaali.
Hotelli kirjeldus tuleb teenusepakkujalt ja inglise keeles. Vaata tõlget.
See 2020. aastal ehitatud uus luksushotell asub 7 km kaugusel Hurghada lennujaamast ja 12 km kaugusel Hurghada vanalinnast. Hotellil on privaatne 1200 m pikkune liivarand, vettepääs otse rannast. Hotell töötab 24-tunnise ultra-kõik hinnas kontseptsiooni alusel ja pakub mitmeid à la carte restorane. Hotellis on mitmed välibasseinid, jõusaal, saunad, erinevad tegevused. Laste käsutuses on laste välibasseinid, miniklubi, mänguväljak, lastepuhvet, lasteala on ka bufee restoranis. Hotell sobib igat tüüpi külalistele, sealhulgas paaridele ja lastega peredele.
Kontseptsioon: SPA, Perekond, VIP ja villad, SpordialadKategooria: Five Star Deluxe
Ametlik register: 5-tärni
Hotelli sertifikaadid: Muu
Sobib puudega inimestele: Jah
Puudega inimeste tubade arv: 4
Ratastool: Jah (Tasuta)
Mittesuitsetajate tubade arv: KÕIK
Ehitusaasta: 2021
Posti indeks: 84511
Telefon: +(20) 653464620
Faks: +(20) 653464620
Top Hotels:
Linn: Hurghada
Hotelli kogupindala (m2): 255000
Lähim lennujaam: Hurghada INT-HRGKaugus lähimast lennujaamast: 7 km
Lähim linn: Hurghada
Kaugus lähima linnani: 12 km
Lähim kesklinn: Hurghada
Kaugus lähimast kesklinnast: 12 km
Kaugus rannast: 0 m
Kaugus bussipeatusest või metroost: 400 m
Kaugus lähima sularaha automaadini: 10 m
Kaugus lähimast ostukeskusest: 10 km
Toa andmed
Tubade arv: 155
Toa suurus (m2): 53 - 73
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse, Itaalia
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Korruste arvud: 1,2
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu või terrass
Rõdude arv: 1
Terrasside arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
Maksimaalselt laps: 2
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 4
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur voodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 1
Voodite arv: 2
Vaade: Aia vaade
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur voodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit
Tubade arv: 85
Toa suurus (m2): 53 - 53
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse, Itaalia
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Korruste arvud: 3,4
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
Rõdude arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
Maksimaalselt laps: 2
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 4
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur voodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 1
Voodite arv: 2
Vaade: Merevaade
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur voodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit
Tubade arv: 4
Toa suurus (m2): 140 - 140
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Unknown
Korruste arvud: 3,4
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
Rõdude arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
Maksimaalselt laps: 1
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 4
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
Vaade: Basseini-mere vaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Töökoht: Jah
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Tubade arv: 4
Toa suurus (m2): 170 - 170
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Kööginurk: Jah
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Unknown
Korruste arvud: 4
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
Rõdude arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 2 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 5
Maksimaalselt laps: 1
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 6
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 2
Vaade: Aia-mere vaade, Osaline merevaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Töökoht: Jah
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 2
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Tubade arv: 18
Toa suurus (m2): 130 - 130
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Uks, Liigenduks
Korruste arvud: 2
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Rõdu
Rõdude arv: 2
Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
Maksimaalselt laps: 2
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 4
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur voodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 1
Voodite arv: 2
Vaade: Basseini-mere vaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Söögikoht: Jah
Töökoht: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja teenus: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja tüüp: Saabumisel
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur voodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit
Tubade arv: 18
Toa suurus (m2): 130 - 130
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Uks, Liigenduks
Korruste arvud: 1
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Terrass
Terrasside arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 3
Maksimaalselt laps: 2
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 4
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
Vaade: Basseini-mere vaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Söögikoht: Jah
Töökoht: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja teenus: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja tüüp: Saabumisel
Väljapääs üldkasutatavasse basseini: Jah
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Tubade arv: 104
Toa suurus (m2): 105 - 129
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Uks, Liigenduks
Korruste arvud: 1
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Rõdu või terrass: Terrass
Terrasside arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 1 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 4
Maksimaalselt laps: 2
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 4
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
Vaade: Aiabasseini vaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Söögikoht: Jah
Töökoht: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja teenus: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja tüüp: Saabumisel
Väljapääs üldkasutatavasse basseini: Jah
Vannitubade arv: 1
Wcde arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Tubade arv: 18
Toa suurus (m2): 240 - 240
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Tasuta)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Keraamika
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Uks, Liigenduks
Korruste arvud: 1
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Ülemteener: Jah (Tasuta)
Rõdu või terrass: Terrass
Terrasside arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 3 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 6
Maksimaalselt laps: 3
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 7
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 2
- Voodite tüüp: Single bed
Voodite arv: 1
Vaade: Aiabasseini vaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Söögikoht: Jah
Töökoht: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja teenus: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja tüüp: Saabumisel
Väljapääs üldkasutatavasse basseini: Jah
Vannitubade arv: 3
Wcde arv: 3
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Royal Villa
Tubade arv: 4
Toa suurus (m2): 944 - 944
Lisavoodi: Jah
Lisavoodiga tüüp: Normaalne
Satelliittelevisioon: Tasuta
Satelliittelevisiooni kanalid: Türgi, Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Poola, Inglise, Araabia, Prantsuse
Õhukonditsioneer: Individuaalne (Vali)
Vann või dušš: Dušš
Telefon: Jah
Korrus: Unknown
Tee või kohvi võimalus: Jah (Tasuta)
Kööginurk: Jah
Koristamine: Igapäevane
Toad üksteisest eraldatud: Unknown
Korruste arvud: 1
Korruste arv toa kohta: 1
Ülemteener: Jah (Tasuta)
Rõdu või terrass: Terrass
Terrasside arv: 1
Magamistubade arv: 4 magamistuba
Maksimaalselt täiskasvanu: 8
Maksimaalselt laps: 2
Maksimaalne inimeste arv: 10
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Voodite arv: 1
- Voodite tüüp: Kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 2
- Voodite tüüp: Kaks üheinimesevoodit
Voodite arv: 2
Vaade: Merevaade
Elutuba: Jah
Elutubade arv: 1
Söögikoht: Jah
Töökoht: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja teenus: Jah
Lillede ja puuvilja tüüp: Saabumisel
Magamistuba personalile: Jah
Mikrolaineahi: Jah
Vannitubade arv: 4
Wcde arv: 5
Erabassein: Jah
- Tüüp: Välibassein
Asukoht: Privaatne aed
Soojendatud: Reguleeritav temperatuur
Soojenduse maksumus: Tasuta
- Voodite tüüp: Ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi
Ehitise teave
- Hoone tüüp: Peahoone
Hoonete arv: 5
Korruste arv: 4
Liftide arv: 0
- Hoone tüüp: Villa
Hoonete arv: 22
Korruste arv: 1
Liftide arv: 0
- Hoone tüüp: Deluxe
Hoonete arv: 5
Korruste arv: 2
Liftide arv: 0
Kas seal on tenniseväljak?: Jah- Number: 2
Pinna tüüp: Kõva
Tennisevarustus: Jah (Tasuta)
Tenniseõpe: Jah (Lisa)
Lauatennis: Jah (Tasuta)
Noolemäng: Jah (Tasuta)
Rannapall: Jah (Tasuta)
Minijalgpall: Jah (Tasuta)
Veesuusatamine: Jah (Lisa)
Langevarjuhüpe: Jah (Lisa)
Langevarjuhüppe litsents nõutav: Litsentsi ei nõuta
Lohesurf: Jah (Lisa)
Litsents nõutav: Litsentsi ei nõuta
Kanuu: Jah (Lisa)
Sukeldumisklubi: Jah (Lisa)
Pedalo: Jah (Lisa)
Veesuusa litsents nõutav: Litsentsi ei nõuta
Aeroobika: Jah (Tasuta)
Fitnessikeskus: Jah (Tasuta)
Treener: Jah (Tasuta)
Varustus: Tasuta raskused, Masinad
Ranna omandikuuluvus: PrivaatneRanna materjal: Liivane
Merepõhja materjal: Liivane
Ranna pikkus: 1000 m
Päikesevari: Jah (Tasuta)
Päevitustool: Jah (Tasuta)
Käterätid: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Paviljon: Jah (Lisa)
Transporditeenus randa: Iga 15 minuti järel (Tasuta)
Lahtiolekuajad: 24 tundi
Näidake, kas rannas on toitlustusteenus: Jah (Tasuta)
Dušš: Jah
Basseinid täiskasvanutele
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 1250
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 140-140
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 1056
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 110-110
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 222
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 110-110
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 1333
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 120-120
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 780
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 150-150
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 5164
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 140-140
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 85
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 100-100
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:30
Meelelahutuse tüüp: Öö, PäevaaegRäägitavad keeled: Saksa, Vene, Ukraina, Inglise, Araabia
Laste teenused
Kas seal on lastele basseini: Jah- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 79
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 55-55
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:00
- tüüp: Välibassein
Suurus: 100
Sügavus (cm) (Min-Max): 55-55
Vee tüüp: Normaalne vesi
Soojendatud: Soojendatud
Lahtiolekuajad: 08:00 - 17:00
Kas seal on miniklubi?: Jah
- Min vanus: 4
Max vanus: 12
Lahtiolekuajad: 09:30 - 23:00
Lasteklubi: Jah
Mänguväljak: Õues
Kas seal on restoranis laste puhvetit või menüüd?: Jah
Kas seal on restoranis lasteala?: Jah
Beebitool restoranis: Jah
Beebivoodi: Jah (Tasuta)
Beebipott: Jah (Tasuta)
Lapsevanker: Jah (Tasuta)
Toit ja jook
- Kontseptsiooniajad: 24 tundi
Kohalikud joogid: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Importjoogid: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Jäätis: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Mesinädalate pakett: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Sünnipäevapakett: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Kondiitritooted: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Toateenindus: Jah (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Minibaar toas: Täis (Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta)
Minibaari täitmise periood: Igapäevane
Turquoise Main Restaurant
Lahtiolekuajad: 07:00 - 10:00
Teenuse tüüp: Rootsi laud
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 07:00 - 11:00
Teenuse tüüp: Rootsi laud
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Hiline hommikusöök
Turquoise Main Restaurant
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 11:00
Teenuse tüüp: Rootsi laud
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Turquoise Main Restaurant
Lahtiolekuajad: 12:30 - 14:30
Teenuse tüüp: Rootsi laud
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 12:00 - 18:00
Teenuse tüüp: Fikseeritud menüü
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Suupistete teenus
Lahtiolekuajad: 11:00 - 12:00
Teenuse tüüp: Fikseeritud menüü
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Suupistete teenus
Lahtiolekuajad: 18:00 - 19:00
Teenuse tüüp: Fikseeritud menüü
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Beach Lounge
Lahtiolekuajad: 16:30 - 18:00
Teenuse tüüp: Fikseeritud menüü
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Turquoise Main Restaurant
Lahtiolekuajad: 18:30 - 21:30
Teenuse tüüp: Rootsi laud
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Teenuse tüüp: Fikseeritud menüü
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 22:00 - 07:00
Teenuse tüüp: Fikseeritud menüü
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
A la Carte restoranid
Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: Mereannid
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: Ottomani palee
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: Hiina, Jaapani
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
La Churrascaria
Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: Brasilia
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
- Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: International
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 19:00 - 22:00
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: Local
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 18:30 - 22:30
Nõutav ettetellimine: Jah
Köök: Jaapani
Piirang: Piiramatu
Ultra All Inclusive: Lisa
Lobby Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 24 tundi
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
English Pub
Lahtiolekuajad: 23:00 - 02:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Piazza Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 00:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Panorama Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 12:00 - 00:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lagoon Pool Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 18:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 18:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lotus Pool Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 18:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Lotus Lobby Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 24 tundi
Joogid: Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
X Lounge
Lahtiolekuajad: 23:00 - 00:00
Joogid: Kohalik, Impordi, Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Vitamin Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 19:00
Joogid: Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Detox Bar
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 18:00
Joogid: Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Cafe De Vienne
Lahtiolekuajad: 11:00 - 22:00
Joogid: Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Vanillia Ice Cafe
Lahtiolekuajad: 10:00 - 19:30
Joogid: Mittealkohoolsed joogid
Tasuline/tasuta: Tasuta (Tasuta)
Ultra All Inclusive: Tasuta
Seif toas: Jah (Tasuta)Spa: Jah (Lisa)
Massaaž: Jah (Lisa)
Saun: Jah (Tasuta)
Jacuzzi: Jah (Tasuta)
Disko: Jah (Tasuta)
Ilukeskus: Jah (Lisa)
Pesupesemise teenus: Jah (Lisa)
Juhtmevaba/internett: Jah (Kõikides piirkondades Tasuta)
Terviseteenus: Jah (Lisa)
Hammam: Jah (Lisa)
- Istekohtade plaan: Klassitoa stiilis(730)-Teatri stiilis(1000)-U-kujulises stiilis(90)-Banketistiilis(720)
Heli: Unknown
Valgustus: Unknown
Ekraan: Unknown
Muu: Unknown
- Istekohtade plaan: U-kujulises stiilis(11)
Heli: Unknown
Valgustus: Unknown
Ekraan: Unknown
Muu: Unknown
- Istekohtade plaan: U-kujulises stiilis(11)
Heli: Unknown
Valgustus: Unknown
Ekraan: Unknown
Muu: Unknown
- Istekohtade plaan: Klassitoa stiilis(15)-Teatri stiilis(30)-U-kujulises stiilis(15)
Heli: Unknown
Valgustus: Unknown
Ekraan: Unknown
Muu: Unknown
- Istekohtade plaan: Klassitoa stiilis(5)
Heli: Unknown
Valgustus: Unknown
Ekraan: Unknown
Muu: Unknown
Milline on hotelli maksimaalne hõivatus?: 50%Hotelli kaugus lähimast haiglast?: 7
- km
Kas hotelli sissepääsul on termokaamera?: Jah
Kas seal on piiranguid hotelli territooriumilt lahkuvatele külalistele?: as per Egyptian law if guest has positiveresultat Egypt Airport Arrival, guest should get negative result to finalize quarantine period, during departure from Egypt to his/her hometown guest should declare negative results in airport
Kas hotelli sissepääsul on desinfitseerimismatt/vaip?: Jah
Kas seal on infotahvlid COVID19 ettevaatusabinõude ja nende rakendamise kohta hotelli üldkasutatavates piirkondades?: Inglise, Vene, Muu
Kas hotelli üldkasutatavates piirkondades on külastajatele kasutamiseks desinfitseerimisvahendid?: Every single outlets has hand disinfection
Kas hotelli üldkasutatavate piirkondade desinfitseerimiseks kasutatakse osooni ja/või ULVd?: Lobby area and guest rooms after each check out
Kas hotellil on hügieenisertifikaat?: Egypt Ministry ofHealth Hygiene certificate
Kas hotelli töötajad on seal kohustatud kandma näomaski?: Vastuvõtu personal, Hotellipoiss, Teeninduspersonal, Köögipersonal, Rannapersonal, Basseinipersonal, Spa personal, Spordipersonal, Meelelahutuspersonal
Kas kõik töötajad läbivad igapäevase arstliku hindamise ja kontrolli?: Jah
Kas hotell varustab maskidega?: Jah (Tasuta)
Kas hotellil on selleks mõeldud ja eraldatud isolatsioonituba/-piirkond/-koht, mida vajadusel kasutada?: Jah
Kas hotellil on meditsiinipersonal?: Arst
Lahtiolekuajad: 24 tundi
Kas hotell pakub tasuta terviseteenust/arstivisiiti?: Jah
Kas töötajatel on olemas hügieenihariduse sertifikaat?: Jah
Kas kasutatakse kirjalikku teavet ettevaatusabinõude kohta ja reegleid, mida hotell on kehtestanud külastajatele järgimiseks?: Jah
Kas hotelli vastuvõtu töötajad on seal kohustatud kandma näomaski?: Jah
Kas vastuvõtulaual on läbipaistev eraldusvisiir?: Jah
Kas külastajatelt nõutakse sisse kirjutamise ajal tervisetõendit?: Jah
Kas seal on sotsiaalsetele vahemaadele viitavad märgid?: Jah
Kas on tagatud kiire ja lihtne sissekirjutusteenus?: Jah
Kas on tagatud veebipõhine sissekirjutusteenus?: Jah
Kas on tagatud hotellipoisi teenus?: Jah
Kas on tagatud pagasi desinfitseerimine?: Määratud desinfitseeritud toas hotellis
Kas külastajad saavad hotellis maksta sularahas?: Jah
Kas hotell kasutab toakaarti või võtit?: Desinfitseeritud
Kas hotellil on mobiilne rakendus, mis avab toauksed?: Jah
Kas sisenemiseks on tagatud käevõru (üldine)?: Esitatud desinfitseeritult enda tarbeks
Kas tuba ventileeritakse välisõhuga?: Teatud aegadel
Kas seal on toas ühekordselt kasutatavad vahendid ja mugavused, nagu šampoon, seep jne?: Jah
Kas toas pakutavad käterätid on kottides desinfitseeritud?: Jah
Kas toas pakutavad mugavusvahendid (klaasid, tassid jne) on kottides desinfitseeritud?: Jah
Millisel tasemel on hotellides pestud linad ja muud tekstiilitooted?: 90°
Kas toateenindajad kannavad maske?: Jah
Kas toateenindajad kannavad kindaid?: Jah
Milline on tubade puhastusperiood?: Iga päev
Kas külalise nõudel pakutatakse täiendavat puhastusteenust (toas)?: Jah
Kas hotell pakub pesemisteenust külaliste enda kaasavõetud linadele / käterättidele / tekstiilidele?: Jah (Lisa)
Kui külaline soovib oma tuba ise koristada, kas hotell varustab sellisel juhul uute ja kasutamata puhastusvahenditega?: Jah
Kas hotellis müüakse isiklikke tooteid?: Padi, Padjapüür, Linad, Käterätt, Hambahari, Raseerimiskomplekt
Kas seal on avatud puhveti teenus?: Hommikusöök, Lõunasöök, Õhtusöök, Hommikusöök, Lõunasöök, Õhtusöök
Kas söögiaegadel pakutakse kokandusšõud/laivkokandust?: Soe toit
Kuidas toitu serveeritakse?: Ainult teeninduspersonali poolt
Kas lahtistel puhvetilaudadel on kaitseklaas?: Jah
Kas seal on sotsiaalsetele vahemaadele viitavad märgid?: Jah
Kas laudade paigutus vastab sotsiaalse distantsi reeglile?: Jah
Kui suur on maksimaalne inimeste arv, kellel lubatakse ühe laua taga istuda?: 4
Milline on restorani maksimaalne mahutavus hotelli täituvusega võrreldes?: 50%
Kas toidu ja joogid toovad ettekandjad?: Mõlemad
Kas ettekandjad kannavad maske?: Jah
Kas ettekandjad kannavad kindaid?: Jah
Kas laudadel on mistahes vahendeid, nagu sool, pipar, salvrätid jne?: Teenindatakse nõudmisel personali poolt
Kas on tagatud toateenindus?: 24 tundi
Kas a la carte / teemarestoranid jätkavad töötamist?: Jah (Tasuta)
Kas päevitustoolide paigutus vastab sotsiaalse distantsi reeglile?: Jah
Kui suur on ranna maksimaalne mahutavus?: 4 m2 1 külastajate hulk
Kas seal on eraldi kohtasid, kus suuremad perekonnad või seltskonnad saavad basseinis või rannal koos olla?: Jah
Kas pakutakse rannalinasid?: Ühekaupa pakendatud (Tasuta)
Kas hotell tagab päevitustooli madratsi desinfitseerimise?: pärast igat külastajapoolset kasutust
Kas seal on paviljoniteenus?: Jah
Kui sageli basseini desinfitseeritakse?: Igal õhtul
Kas basseini lähipiirkonnas pakutakse toitu ja jooki?: ettekandja poolt
Kas on võimalik broneerida privaatset sektsiooni gruppidele ja seltskondadele?: Jah (Lisa)
ja tööperioodist (alates...kuni): - - -
Kas spa töötab?: Jah
Kas spa töötab reserveerimisel?: Jah
Kui suur on spa maksimaalne mahutavus?: 10 m2 1 külastajate hulk
Kas hamam / türgi bassein töötab?: Jah
Kas hamam / türgi bassein töötab reserveerimisel?: Jah
Kui suur on hamami / türgi basseini maksimaalne mahutavus?: 10 m2 1 külastajate hulk
Kas lõõgastumisala päevitustoolid ja lauad asuvad vastavalt sotsiaalse vahemaa reeglitele?: Jah
Kas fitnessikeskus töötab?: Jah
Kas fitnessi treeningul on ajapiirang?: Jah
Kui suur on fitnessikeskuse maksimaalne mahutavus?: 10 m2 1 külastajate hulk
Kas miniklubi on avatud?: Jah
Kui suur on miniklubi maksimaalne mahutavus?: 10 m2 1 külastajate hulk
Kas sissepääsul kontrollitakse palavikku?: Jah
Kas miniklubis on olemas desinfitseerimisjaamad?: Jah
Kas personal kannab maske?: Jah
Kas personal kannab kindaid?: Jah
Kas pakutakse maske lastele?: Jah
Kas miniklubis on spetsiaalsed tegevusvahendid ja mänguasjad pakendatud?: Jah
Kui sageli mänguasju ja tegevuspiirkondi desinfitseeritakse?: Pärast igat kasutust
Kas seal pakutakse lastele toitu ja jooki?: ettekandja poolt
Kas hotell pakub meelelahutusprogrammi?: Õhtune meelelahutus ja päevased etendused, Rannapall, veepolo, noolemängud, minidisko ja öödisko
Kas vaatamispiirkondade paigutus vastab sotsiaalse distantsi reeglile?: Jah
Kas personal kannab maske?: Jah
Kas personal kannab kindaid?: Jah
Vastavalt covid 19-ga nakatunud külastajatele, on hotelli spetsiaalseteks meetmeteks / sammudeks?: Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, therelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after reatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. According to guests Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / Action Plan institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, therelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after treatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien-19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. Action Plan Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, herelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after treatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. According to guests Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen Action Plan peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, therelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after treatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien-19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out.
Kas hotellil on olemas spetsiaalne tegevuskava juhuks, kui külastaja on nakatunud / omab covid - 19 sümptomeid?: Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, therelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after reatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. According to guests Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / Action Plan institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, therelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after treatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien-19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. Action Plan Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, herelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after treatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. According to guests Rixos Hotel has detailed Covid-19 Preventive Measures which are documented under Rixos Hotels Egypt Covid-19 Preventive Measures OperationalGuidelines , Protection FromPandemicand ResponseInstruction and PEDXlist 10.4.1. Suspicious Caseand Casesituations 10.4.2. Isolation/Quarantine Roomsand StaffFor theisolation process, the number ofQuarantinerooms specified/prepared as per regarding localregulations In addition,a dressing roomis reserved for the personnelwho willserve.. This rooms located inCluster 3 in Rixos PremiumSeagate HotelThereare 2 rooms left free on both sides oftheserooms. The names ofthe personnelwho willservein these roomsas specified in theregulation are determined. , Additional protocolsaresigned and subjected to additionalcovid-19 protective training. When theserviceis started, the Quarantine Rooms PersonnelControlFormis recorded on aroombasis. . When this personnel starts serving theisolation room, they undergo an examination by the workplace doctorevery day. For isolation, 20 ffp3 or similar face masks, 3 medical glassesand faceshields, 15 medicalsuits, 1 packetmedical glovesand 1 body fever temperatureforeach roomshould be ready. Staff put on and take offclothes in theisolation dressing roombeforeservice. Atevery exit fromtheisolation room,clothing / PPE is discarded. 10.4.3 Possible Case:Suspected StaffCase Amask and glovesarefirst worn on personnelwho have high fever or other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) with thermalcameraand / or manualfever measurement. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresaretaken. The workplace doctor iscalled and thestaffisaccompanied by the departmentmanager orchief oftheinfirmary. Theaccompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the workplace doctorexamination, it is decided that the staffis suspicious for Covid19, thestaffis transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. The Ministry ofHealthCommunication Center should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthestaffreveals that they haveanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, theywill notcometo the workplace untilthey overcomethe diseaseaccording to thereport. Theresult is reported by the departmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader, HRmanagerand ISGspecialist. Confirmed StaffCase When it isconfirmed that the Staffis infected withCovid-19, alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theemployee may havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Fillation team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. InRixos HotelPremiumSeagatethisareais PALMMEETINGROOMIfthestaffidentified as lowrisk by theradiation teamis approved by the hotelmanagement, they aresent back to work. Personnel defined as mediumand high risk aresent to isolation outsidethe workplace. The HRmanager organizes theleavestatus ofthese personnel. (see guestsection for guest) Theareas wheretheinfected employee worksand comes into contact with the workplace,after theexit, theisolation roomfirst remainsclosed for 24 hours,and then disinfectionwith hydrogen Action Plan peroxideiscarried out. Ifthestaffis staying in thelodging, thelodging roomisclosed for 14 daysand quarantined. After 14 days, textile products such as bedding and towelsareindividually bagged and washed separately fromthose of other personnel,and at theend of 14 days, disinfection process with hydrogen peroxide( or similarchllorine dioxide) is put into use. Thestaffis ensured to spend the quarantine period at homeafter treatment. Theaccommodation offoreign personneland personnelwho have been determined to have no placeto return to in their hometown can be made with theapproval ofthe hotelmanagement. During this period, the necessary remindersare madeto the personnel by the HRmanager for the personnelto receiveareport fromthefamily doctor. Thetreated employeecontinues his job by informing hisemployer with areportstating that thereis no harmin startingwork (return to work) by the health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high health institution. Ifrequested,a health examination is provided by the workplace doctor. Suspicious Guest Case The guest who hasa high fever with athermalcameraand / or hasa high fever withmanualfever measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the measurement or shows other symptoms ofcovid-19 (skin rash, skin rash,cough, inability to taste/smell) isapproached according to the Communication Instructions with the Covid-19 Suspect Personnel. The situation is transferred, with theacceptance ofthe guest, masksand glovesare worn first. Then, theinfirmary is informed and measuresare taken. The workplace doctor iscalled and the guest isaccompanied by the GRdepartmentmanager orchiefin theinfirmary. The accompanyingmask wearsa visorand gloves. If,after the doctorexamination, it is decided that the guest is suspicious for Covid-19, the guest is transferred to the hospital by ambulance by the workplace doctor. Thesituation is reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader by the GRdepartmentmanager. The Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenter should becalled and theinstructions given by theauthority should befollowed. The measures specified by therelevantauthorized institution / institutionsareimplemented. Ifthe guest reveals that he hasanother illnessafter the hospitalexaminations, therelevant Rixos procedureis followed until he overcomes the diseaseas per his report. Theresult is reported by the GRdepartmentmanager to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. In case ofany guestshowing signs ofillness, guest relation teammember should inform, Guest RelationDepartment -Doctor–Front office Department –QualityDepartmentand Human Resources department , Human resources department is responsibleto informGeneralManager regarding subject. Within the General Manager instruction, LocalMinistry Procedures will befollowed Confirmed Guest Case When the guest isconfirmed to beinfected with Covid-19,alist of 1st degreeemployeesand guests that theymay havecomeinto contact with is prepared. These namesaretaken in the isolation rooms bywearingmasksand gloves untilthe Ministry ofHealth Fillation teamarrivesat the hotel. At the 1st degreecontacted by theinfected employee, theseemployeesand guests should callthe Ministry ofHealthCommunicationCenterand followtheinstructions given by the official. For the Filliations team,an area ofat least 6 people with high natural ventilation and meeting thesocial distancerules is prepared. The guest'sagency is informed about thesubject by the GRmanager. The way that howguests willcontinuetheir holiday is determined according to the decision ofthefilliation teamforeach guest (seeabovefor thestaff). The guest who stays in thesameroomwith the positive guest but who is negativeis definitely taken into theisolation roomuntiltheexit. Theareascontacted by the guests who have been confirmed to beinfected remain closed for 14 daysafter theexit,and then disinfection process with hydrogen peroxideis performed. After 14 days, textile products such as bed linen and towelsareindividually bagged and transported separately fromother guests. At theend of 14 days, it is put into useafter disinfectionwith hydrogen peroxide( or similar Chlorine Dioxside) Return ofthetreated guest to the Hotel The guests who areresident inEgyptare not taken back to the hotelafter thetreatment. It is preferred that these guests or their relatives collect their belongingsafter thetreatment. For foreign guest which are not resident inEgypt ,after treatmentending the guestarrives with reports that thereis no objection in returning to the hotel by the health care provider of post-Covidien-19IsolationRoomGuest undertaking Formimzalatılarak insulation is taken into theroom(theformisalegal obligation to sign the guestentry iscomplete, theagency the information is supplied) . Beforethe guestarrivesat the hotel, theissueis reported to the Pandemic Responce Teamleader. Security accompanies the guest's vehicle(orambulance) to theroom, does not get on the vehicle/ambulance. Relevant departmentsaccompany the entrance(the guest is not taken to thefront office). Thesecuritymanager maintains personnelin theareato makesurethat the guest is staying beforeleaving theroom. Ifthecheck-out dateis beforethe guest receives theflight report,acomp roomrequest is madeto the head officeaccording to the ComplimentaryRoomProcedure with therelevant documents. Serviceto Quarantinerooms Thestaffwho willserve the Quarantinerooms wearand removethe PPE in the dressing roomreserved besidetheisolation rooms. Therelevant PPE is kept in this room. F&Bfood and beverageserviceiscompletelymade with disposable materials, theserviceis leftat the door, the guest is requested to bethrown into the garbage bag left with theservice whileemptying is taken. Before HK enters theroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. WhenHK enters theroom, it turns off theairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out. While HK is in service, it isensured that thesheetsand towelsare put into the garbage bags previously delivered by the guest. Newtowelsarereleased byHK, newbed sheetsarecollected byHK. Roomand toiletcleaning is done. Beforeentering thetechnicalroom, GRcan calltheroomto open balconiesand windowsand ventilatetheroom. Guestsare kindly requested to go out to the balcony. When thetechniqueenters theroom, it turns offtheairconditioner. It won't open untilitcomes out.
* Informatsioon on pärit reisikorraldaja kodulehelt ja võib olla muutumises. Hotellide tähistuse juures on kasutatud reisikorraldaja hinnangut antud hotellile. Tegemist ei ole ametlike tärnidega.